Robin Thöne
Work experience
Side projects
In addition to my work as a software developer, I occasionally implement smaller projects in my spare time. Mostly to try out and learn new technologies and use them in a practical application. The following is a selection of such projects.
A central entry point to view pull requests across multiple version control provider. Currently this targets only the platform Azure DevOps and enables viewing pull request related data across multiple organizations, projects and repositories.
This was the first side project to learn technologies for my first full-time job as a developer. In addition, this self-created bike blog has been raising funds for charity for the past few years.
A simple CLI tool to test if the method "DefaultAzureCredential" from the package "Azure.Identity" can pickup the authentication details from the local machine and retrieve a token.
A simple CLI tool to immediately backup and restore a backup for a single file using global hotkeys.
A small application to track the progress in FromSoftware games.
Project to try out "recharts" and the Steam API by graphically visualizing the playing time of some Steam users within the last two weeks.
"What You See Is What You Get" editor using "Tailwind CSS" with Markdown as target format.